OSErr = -152 Failed to allocate memory for structure
OSErr = -151 Failed to allocate memory for temporary structures
OSErr = -150 Color2Index failed to find an index
OSErr = -149 QuickDraw could not complete the operation
OSErr = -148 Pixel map record is deeper than 1 bit per pixel
OSErr = -147 Region accumulation failed. Resulting region may be corrupt
OSErr = -145 Not enough memory for picture
OSErr = -128 User cancelled the query
OSErr = -127 Could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey
OSErr = -126 System error code for MBDF not found
OSErr = -125 Insufficient memory to update a pixmap
OSErr = -124 Server volume has been disconnected
OSErr = -123 Attempt to do a hierarchical operation on a nonhierarchical volume
OSErr = -122 Attempt to move into offspring (file system)
OSErr = -121 Too many working directories open
OSErr = -120 Directory not found
OSErr = -117 Block is locked
OSErr = -116 Size check failed
OSErr = -115 Block check failed
OSErr = -114 Pointer check failed
OSErr = -113 Address in zone check failed
OSErr = -112 Attempt to purge a locked or non-purgeable block
OSErr = -111 Attempt to operate on a free block
OSErr = -110 Address was odd, or out of range
OSErr = -109 NIL master pointer
OSErr = -108 Not enough room in heap zone
OSErr = -102 No object of that type in scrap
OSErr = -100 Desk scrap isn't initialized
OSErr = -99 Error in ROZ
OSErr = -98 Driver open error; port not configured for this connection
OSErr = -97 Driver open error; port already in use
OSErr = -95 Excessive collisions on AppleTalk write
OSErr = -94 AppleTalk error in attaching/detaching protocol
OSErr = -93 No AppleTalk bridge found
OSErr = -92 AppleTalk data length too big
OSErr = -91 AppleTalk socket error: socket already active; not a known socket; socket table full; all dynamic socket numbers in use / Multicast address error ddpSktErr
OSErr = -90 SCC break received
OSErr = -89 SCC receiver error
OSErr = -88 Parameter RAM unitialized
OSErr = -87 Parameter RAM written did not verify
OSErr = -86 Time written did not verify
OSErr = -85 Unable to read clock
OSErr = -84 Track failed to verify / I/O error
OSErr = -83 Cannot synchronize
OSErr = -82 Can't find sector 0 after track format
OSErr = -81 Can't find sector
OSErr = -80 Drive error
OSErr = -79 Can't correctly adjust disk speed
OSErr = -78 Tried to read side 2 of a disk in a single-sided drive
OSErr = -77 Can't initialize disk controller chip
OSErr = -76 Can't find track 0
OSErr = -75 Drive error
OSErr = -74 Write underrun occurred
OSErr = -73 Bad data mark
OSErr = -72 Bad data mark
OSErr = -71 Can't find a data mark
OSErr = -70 Bad address mark
OSErr = -69 Bad address mark
OSErr = -68 Read verify failed
OSErr = -67 Can't find an address mark
OSErr = -66 Disk is probably blank / Font substitution occurred